ok so here... is going to be something REALLY cool that i thinkw ill might just knock yoru socks off!
for those who dont know, i am a HUGE fan of plants and i absolyutely adore all kinds of plants and seeing them grow, bloom, and be happy little thingamabobs! on this page i plan on geeking about all the plants i have and going into depth about them, and maybe include some pictures of them every once in a while! i might also talk about some of my favorite plants i dont have, some plants i want one day, some plants ive seen growing around where i live, etc. this is just going to be a very fun page about plants in general, enjoy!!!!!!
each plant entry has 3 names, and each name is structured as follows: first their common name, 2nd their scientific name, then finally the name i gave the plant in specific :)
give a round of applause for 'thaile', my ice plant!! ive had it since november of 2022, and it is sharing a pot with my 'lilac mist' sedeveria (courtsey of altman plants, shoutout to those guys) and some of my various cuttings and propagates that i put around any empty places on the surface of their pot
i really love the look of this little goober, i love its puffy weirdly shaped leaves that dont really look like leaves, its really pretty green color with darker pinkish stems, the way its segments split in the middle, just love gandering at it! thaile has grown a lot over time, and is a lot taller compared to when i first got it, very fun!
one of my favorite things about thaile is that when it needs water, its leaves will get wrinkly, so its very obvious when it needs watering, which is super helpful for me. i get pretty scared about overwatering or underwatering my cacti and succulents, but with thaile its really easy to tell when its time for me to water all of them since i water all of them at the same time whenever thaile starts getting wrinkly. if ur also worrysome about watering ur cacti and succulents, i reccomend getting one that will be obvious about when its thirsty and watering whenever it indicates its time, it can save u a lot of worrying ^_^
MY DEAR GEORGE!!!!!!!!!!!! i have had this bad boy since december of 2016, wow!!! i got it from a local grocery store as an early christmas gift. originally, george was just a tiny single rosette/pup, with no offshoots at all. this DRASTICALLY changed, and now it has probably around 8 offshoots at the moment and is WAY bigger than it used to be!!
george came in a metal pot with no drainage hole and no support for drainage (major sucks for those of u who dont know!!!) and back then, i was actually new to taking care of succulents and cacti and had thought that there was drainage support in the pot, so i didnt repot it. a couple years down the road (id say around maybe 2020) i noticed that georges pot was starting to rust (shocker) and so i got him a new nice pot with a drainage hole and sat down to repot him
come to find out, the lower bottom of his pot was completely waterlogged and rusty and very very yucky :(!!!!!!!! i had no idea that was happening, and i was SO scared that george was going to die from how much moisture and rust and nasty it had been growing with, especially since the roots that had been in that bottom part were dead and rotted. i took a lot of time to carefully remove all of the nasty stuff, remove as much of the old soil as possible, trim away all of the rotten roots and treat them, let it dry out a bit, then finally repotted it
...and george made a full recovery!!!!! it very quickly began to flourish and sprouted MANY new pups, it was so amazing to see!!! the color difference in the leaves was also really lovely to see as well, they began to turn so green :D george is very special to me for not only being the oldest succulent i have, but for also surviving that whole conondrum, and teaching me the very important lesson of properly potting plants. love u george
my dear amiere!! so as u might guess by the name, amiere grows upwards and 'climbs' like CRAZY!!! i have had to trim amiere several times just because of how much it grows upwards, and i ended up with 2 of it which is very fun :) im not sure when exactly i got it, but i know ive had this bad boy for several years ^_^
when i first had to cut it because it was getting way too tall (probably around 10 inches tall!!!) and the bottom part was bare due to its leaves growing old over time and dying off, i was pretty nervous about how it would go because again cutting my plants a lot (like cutting them in half or something big like that) is always kinda scary to me. i kept the original rooted part in its pot and just took care of it like normal even though it didnt have any leaves since it had been cut, and i planted the part i cut off when it was ready to be potted. i didnt know if anything would come of the original plant that no longer had any leaves, but i decided to care for it just in case. lo and behold, i quickly noticed some cute little sprouts growing from the base of the stem :D!!!!!
now both of my amieres are doing rly well!! i might have to cut one of them in half again soon because its getting super tall once again, but well see when that happens :o
u might notice that i dont have a nickname listed for this plant, and thats because i have FOUR OF THEM! thats a lot of plants to name!!! i ended up with 2 extra jade plants because of leaf propagation that in both cases i didnt think would actually work but then it DID, and becuase i took 1 in because it was doing very bad at its previous place, and the final one i just got in an assorted succulent cutting package i bought online :b
the one jade plant i took in from its previous place actually came from my moms work. the people there didnt know how to take care of it, and it ended up unhealthy and completely bent over almost to the point of breaking, and was held up by a plastic fork!! my mom asked me if i wanted it and i was like yeah i wanna help that little guy that sounds pretty bad, so she brought it home to me
as soon as i got it i was a little baffled seeing it held up by the plastic fork (that was digging into it and leaving wounds in it) and it being in a plastic pot with no drainage holes, and it looked pretty sickly :c i decided to cut it a bit above the place the fork was digging into it and a bit below one of its nodes and waited to plant it when it was ready. i would have tried to nurture the rest of the plant that was already rooted in the pot, but it unfortunately was rotted and yucky. i didnt have a pot to plant the cutting in, so i repurposed the plastic pot it came in by cutting multiple drainage holes in it and getting an appropriate soil mix in there and cleaning it up and everything :) once i planted it and it rooted, it very quickly started flourishing and havin a good time yayayayay ^_^
as for my other jade plants, 2 of them came from leaf propagations as i mentinoed before. 1 of the leaves came from the jade plant that my mom brought me from her work, and the 1 other leaf propagate came from another jade plant i have. the leaf that came from the jade plant that had the fork conondrum has now grown into a full jade plant yayayy!!! the leaf propagate that i got from the other jade plant i have hasnt grown as much as the other leaf propagate and is still just a tiny little guy, and i cant wait to see it grow more!!
so for this one, as far as i know it doesnt have a common nickname and just its scientific name so thats why theres only its scientific name and then the name i gave mine :o this is another altman plant hybrid, and it is GORGEOUS!!! it has very vibrant but kind of pastel purpleish pink coloration and can even grow yellow flowers!!! mimi hasnt grown yellow flowers unfortunately due to the lighting conditions, but im hoping that will change once i move it into its new place
so depending on the amount of light and sun murasakis get, their color will be more vibrant/saturated. unfortunately for mimi, i dont have the brightest lighting it wants, so it isnt that colorful sadly :c though as i said before, im hoping this will change once i get it in its new brighter location since i will be moving ^_^ i have several leaf propagates of mimi right now, but i only recently propagated them so there isnt too much growth yet, but theres some cute baby leaves coming in yayayayayy
honestly i dont have much more to say yet becuase i actually only got mimi in 2023, so i havent had it that long. i will update this soon though once i get it in its new place becuase im sure there will be more to say once it gets a lot more lighting!!
THE CUTIE EVER!!! i love lyra so much, its a super cool plant to me :D it is very pretty and grows in a really gorgeous pattern/way. its leaves look rly rounded and soft (and they are soft!!!! it has little soft hairs on it!!) lyra has grown several little offshoots and its such a joy seeing them grow
i havent had lyra for very long, but it has had quite a bit of growth in the short time ive had it! it has grown 2 little pup offshoots and it looks like its growing a couple more. its gotten slightly bigger over time and has grown several new leaves in that time c: